Former Indiana University professor charged with possession of child porn

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – A former Indiana University professor was arrested after authorities reportedly found files of child porn in his online Dropbox folder.

Richard R. Wilk, 70, was arrested on Tuesday for Possession of Child Pornography, a Level 5 Felony.

According to court documents, on Dec. 13, 2023, detectives with the Bloomington Police Department were alerted by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) that they identified child pornography of a person less than 12 on the Dropbox website.

Officers informed the Dropbox company of this and provided the specific account information identifying Wilk as a suspect.

Detectives and officers of the Bloomington police department were able to execute a search warrant on Wilk’s home Tuesday.

According to detectives, Wilk told police that they should be pursuing the producers of child pornography and that he watched child pornography because he was “curious.”

Wilk was formerly a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at IU in the anthropology department. The university said that he retired as a professor in 2017.

Officers transported Wilk to the Monroe County Jail.

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