Baby kitten rescued by Indiana fire crew, after getting tiny head stuck in hole

INDIANAPOLIS — Fire crews at the Wayne Township Fire Department rescued a baby kitten from itself on Friday, according to a press release sent from the department.

The Wayne Township Fire Department said this in a statement:

Every day in the fire service brings new challenges and experiences, and today was no different. A concerned citizen approached members of Ladder 82 with a dilemma. It seems curiosity got the best of her baby kitten, and the kitten is now stuck inside a small hole and needs to be rescued.

Fire departments are known for their ability to lift heavy objects and cut open large vehicles, but we also specialize in delicate rescue work. So today, members of Ladder 82 used this specialty to remove this baby kitten without causing her to lose even one of her nine lives.

The kitten is doing fine and hopefully learned a valuable life lesson.

Captain Eric Banister

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