What You Need to Know

When you think of lung cancer, you may not immediately think of children.

Most people with lung cancer are older. According to the American Cancer Society, the average age of a person at the time of diagnosis is 70.

Although it is the exception rather than the norm, lung cancer can occur in younger people. This includes children.

Having a child diagnosed with lung cancer can be overwhelming and bring up a lot of emotions. These feelings are completely understandable and we are here to help you manage them.

Below we discuss lung cancer in children and how it can happen. Next, we’ll discuss possible treatment options and what we know about the outlook for children with lung cancer.

It is important to know that lung cancer is very rare in children. In general, other childhood cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma, are more common.

A 2020 study looked at reported lung cancers in the Australian Childhood Cancer Registry between the years 1983 and 2015. Within this broad time frame of more than 30 years, researchers identified only 53 children who met the study criteria.

Because lung cancer is so uncommon in children, information about it is limited compared to what is known about lung cancer in adults.

This can discuss how common lung cancer in children is, what it is like, and the outlook is challenging. Still, we’ve got you covered.

We tend to refer to lung cancer as one thing. However, there are many different types of lung cancer.

Studies on the subject are underway. A 2015 study found that some lung cancers diagnosed in children include:

Carcinoid tumors. Carcinoid tumors begin in neuroendocrine cells, which are involved in controlling air and blood flow in the lungs and can affect the growth of other lung cells. Compared to other forms of lung cancer, they tend to occur in younger age groups.Primary pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC). This type of cancer originates in the mucous glands, but can also form in the bronchi, the main airways of the lungs.Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a type of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma is a type of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that is more commonly seen in adults. Bronchoalveolar carcinoma. This is a rare variant of adenocarcinoma.Small cell carcinoma (SCLC). SCLC is a rare but fast-growing lung cancer that can recur after treatment.

It is possible for a child to have lung cancer and not show any symptoms. This is called being asymptomatic.

Because lung cancer in children is so rare, when symptoms do occur, they can be easily mistaken for other common lung conditions that affect children. Some examples are asthma or respiratory infections.

So how do you know what to look for? The symptoms below, especially if they persist or keep coming back, may be signs of lung cancer in a child:

In general, cancer is caused by genetic changes in the DNA in our cells. These changes cause cells to grow and divide uncontrollably, leading to the formation of a tumor.

Genetic changes that lead to cancer can be inherited from our parents, meaning they are present from birth. However, this is not the only way these genetic changes can occur.

Genetic changes can also occur over time due to errors that occur naturally when our cells divide. Exposure to harmful substances around us can also play a role.

The exact causes of genetic changes in childhood cancer are still poorly understood. For example, the National Cancer Institute notes that only 6 to 8 percent of childhood cancers result from hereditary genetic changes.

This means that other factors are important for childhood cancer development, such as lung cancer. The American Cancer Society says the causes of DNA changes in most childhood cancers remain unknown.

Diagnosing lung cancer in children can be challenging. Not only is it rare, but it can have symptoms similar to other more common childhood illnesses, such as asthma.

If your child has symptoms such as persistent coughing, wheezing, or fatigue, the pediatrician will begin by examining their medical history. They will also want to know when your child’s symptoms started and if anything is helping to relieve them.

They will also ask if your child has a personal or family history of certain medical conditions. Be sure to write down anything that comes to mind.

Then they will perform a physical exam. During this time, they will check your child’s body to get an idea of ​​their general health, including listening to their breathing and heartbeat.

Several other tests can help a pediatrician determine the cause of your child’s symptoms. Some of these tests include:

blood tests. Blood tests, such as a basic metabolic panel and a complete blood count, can help a doctor get a better idea of ​​your child’s overall health.Imaging. A chest X-ray can help a doctor better understand what’s going on in the lungs. Sometimes more specialized imaging techniques can be used, such as:Bronchoscopy. A bronchoscopy uses a thin tube with a camera on the end called a bronchoscope to check your child’s airways for abnormal areas. A biopsy may also be taken during this procedure.Thoracoscopy. A thoracoscopy is a surgical procedure that uses a thin tube with a camera on the end so a doctor can check the tissues of your child’s chest for abnormal areas. A biopsy may also be taken during this time.biopsy. If a mass or suspicious area is detected in the lungs, your child’s doctor will want to take a biopsy. This is a sample of tissue that can be analyzed in a lab to check for the presence of cancer cells.

The exact treatment of a child with lung cancer can depend on many factors, such as:

the type of lung cancer the extent or stage of the cancer how well your child’s lungs are working presence of certain genetic changes the age and overall health of your child shared decision making between you and your child’s healthcare team

Possible treatment options that may be recommended include:

Surgery. Surgery to remove a tumor is one of the main treatment options for lung cancer, especially if the tumor has not spread beyond the lungs. Before surgery, chemotherapy may be used to help shrink the tumor.Chemotherapy. If surgery is not an option, chemotherapy may be recommended. Chemotherapy drugs can kill cancer cells or slow their growth. They are usually given by mouth or through an IV.radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is another option if surgery is not recommended. It uses high-energy radiation to destroy cancer cells.Targeted therapy. Targeted therapy drugs target specific markers on or in cancer cells. They can be used for NSCLC with certain genetic changes.

Being presented with a list of possible treatment options can be a lot. It can be helpful to take notes during these appointments or even record some of the appointments for later viewing.

Never hesitate to ask questions if they arise. When making decisions about your child’s treatment, it’s important to have all the facts you can. Remember that your child’s care team is there to help.

An important aspect of treatment that we haven’t mentioned yet is clinical trials. Before they become more widely used, newer, innovative cancer treatments must first be tested in clinical trials to see if they are both safe and effective.

Because many childhood cancers, especially lung cancer, are rare, many children receive treatment by participating in a clinical trial. As you learn more about your child’s treatment options, ask about clinical trials your child may qualify for.

The main risk factors for lung cancer in adults are related to lifestyle and environmental factors that can lead to harmful genetic changes. Things like smoking and prolonged exposure to secondhand smoke probably come to mind.

However, it usually takes many years for these things to affect a person’s cancer risk. That’s why most people get lung cancer later in life rather than earlier.

So, what puts kids at risk for lung cancer? As with our discussion of the causes of childhood lung cancer, the exact answer is still unclear. However, there are a few things we do know.

According to the American Cancer Society, previous exposure to radiation may contribute to harmful genetic changes in childhood cancer. However, they note that most gene changes likely occur naturally and have no external causes.

We also know of some specific genetic changes associated with certain types of childhood lung cancer:

Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene. Some children with NSCLC have an alteration in the ALK gene. It is believed that this change may contribute to the growth and spread of cancer cells.DICER1. Children with pleuropulmonary blastoma often have a change in DICER1, a gene important for controlling the expression of other genes. As such, changes in DICER1 can lead to abnormal gene expression that can cause uncontrolled growth and development of cells.

There are several things that can affect the outlook for a child with lung cancer. Among which:

the specific type of lung cancer how fast the cancer is growing whether the cancer has spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body the presence of certain types of genetic changes shows that your child has responded to treatment your child’s age and overall health

A small amount of research has been done on the outlook for lung cancer in children. Let’s see what it says.

A 2015 study included 211 children diagnosed between 1998 and 2011. Researchers found that children with MEC or carcinoid tumors had better overall survival compared to children with other types of lung cancer.

A 2020 study included 53 children with lung cancer between 1983 and 2015. Within this group, the 5-year survival rate was estimated at 74 percent.

Reading about the outlook for cancer can be difficult. Keep in mind, however, that these statistics are based on many children’s experiences with lung cancer over a long period of time. As such, they do not reflect individual situations or recent advances in treatment.

Although lung cancer can occur in children, it is very rare. When it occurs, the causes are unclear. Some types of lung cancer, such as NSCLC and pleuropulmonary blastoma, may be associated with certain genetic changes.

Because the symptoms can be similar to more common childhood lung disease, childhood lung cancer can be difficult to diagnose. Once a diagnosis is made, treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.

The outlook for childhood lung cancer can depend on factors such as the type of lung cancer, its stage, and your child’s age and overall health. Your child’s care team can help you get a better sense of your child’s individual outlook.

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